On my behalf - the fight for the files (2017)
I have been suing government agencies for almost 40 years. On the beginning, it was for privacy protection, then against the large-scale electronic surveillance, then for the files of the German secret services and now for the records of foreign services.” In 2001, the European Union implemented a regulation regarding the access to documents, and 5 years later, the government in Berlin finished the German Freedom of Information Act, the IFG, a half-hearted construct, because it excludes the intelligence services from any obligation to provide information. Today however, something has changed - even in Germany. There is a serious battle for the records of the government. The bureaucratic establishment is locking itself behind privacy regulations. Together with policymakers, they form a front against the citizens who want to write about history. May be a history that is not the official one, but one that reflects the real events. |